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 Karen Marie Moning - Fever World

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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSun Jul 15, 2012 2:05 am

Fever World

(Spin-off of the Fever Series)

1: Iced: A Dani O'Malley Novel ~ October 30, 2012
2: Burned ~ 2013
3: Flayed ~ 2014
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 5:36 pm

Ok so I was just thinking here thinking

But I wanted to suggest a possible group read for Iced!!! excited
Which BTW is released in about 5 ish hours or so away from this very moment
very happy
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 9:14 pm

Yes! Count me in!
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 5:54 pm

I want to read this book but I'm so scared of the cliffhangers again. I'm really hoping they are not as bad in this series. pray

Having said that, I'm in. excited

Let me know when we are starting.
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeTue Oct 30, 2012 7:43 pm

high 5
Ok let's go PURLIES!!
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 2:42 am

I've already finished Iced so won't be able to join in Sad
I don't think I could have waited to read it though..I got it as soon as it came out and read it straight away. twirling

Overall, I had mixed feelings about - there were parts I loved and parts I hated. I think most pepole will enjoy it though but the love interests for me anyway were too cringey and a little bit wtf.
I was going to write a long winded post about it..but I may as well leave it and see what you guys think of it..I'm interested to see what everyone thinks, so get reading asap!! excited
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 8:09 am

I'm In whenever! How are we going to do it?
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 6:16 pm

I'm starting it tonight! Go.ahead and post about it ferdy (with spoiler stars). We'll catch up!
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 8:34 pm

Okay here goes.. (It would take me ages to write the many things I felt, so I've pretty much just copied and pasted my review from Goodreads because it says it all)

It's very very very long and spoilery and super opinionated and there's a lot of swearing (sorry) and ranting (sorry) going on, so be prepared wine
I hope I don't offend anyone because I've had a few people get pissed off at my reviews no idea


star SPOILERS star

A somewhat ranty and spoiler filled review

I don't know how I feel about Iced, I had so many mixed feelings about it — there were parts I loved and parts I absolutely loathed. I enjoyed Dani's perspective. What I didn't enjoy was the love interests (bar Dancer) - I was less than impressed with the pedo vibe. I knew before starting the book that they would be some lines crossed but I didn't expect to be so disgusted by it all. What can I say? A 14 year old heroine and two adult love interests just don't do it for me.

Anyway, I thought the plot was pretty unimaginative but it was executed well..It wasn't as enegaging as Mac's book because there was very little mystery..it was just like an inestigation of the week type books..but I'm glad the ending didn't have a major cliffhanger..the cliffhanger it had with Mac is one I'm excited for but one I can wait for.

I wasn't fond of Dani in the earlier Fever books — she was annoying and immature. She was still somewhat annoying and immature but once I got used to her voice I found her rather charming and immensely likeable. I thought I'd hate reading about a 14 year old teenager but except for the creepy love interests (more on that later) it actually made for interesting reading. In an age of either Mary Sue or alpha bitch heroines, her confidence, arrogance, humour, bluntness, ignorance, perseverance, vulnerability and 14 year old wisdom was refreshing to read about. Even though this wasn't a YA book, I couldn't help comparing 14yr old Dani to the 16/17 yr olds in YA today and let me tell you, Dani made them seem even worse than the shitty little heroines they are. Once I got used to her, Dani was simply awesome.
I loved Dani's humour — honestly, the stuff she came out with in front of Ryodan and his boys was hilarious. Even though most of the jokes were inappropriate, I couldn't help finding it funny how clueless she was of all the innuendos that were being thrown around.
As great as Dani was, I really don't get why Christian and Ryodan are so obsessed with her. I know they want her because unlike other women she's super strong so they'll be able to 1. Fuck her hard without holding back 2. Fuck her hard without killing her 3. Fuck her hard without hurting her accidently but she's still only 14, can't they wait until she's at the very least 18?! Why are they all over her now when she's still a child?! They both seem genuinely fascinated by her..it boggles the mind. Sure, she has a good personality but so do loads of adult women, I just can't get my head around them being so taken with her.

I loved him. He was intelligent, brave, loyal and just brilliant. It was great how he made Christian and Ryodan seem like right dumb fucks. I loved how unperturbed he was of them both. He didn't have nowhere near their strength, speed and experience yet he managed to show them up and he came out looking like the better man. Christian and Ryodan seriously paled in comparison to him.
Dancer's relationship with Dani was perfect - I'm dying for him and Dani to realise they love each other… I want them to have lots of sex. I'm hoping he doesn't die and I also hope that Dani doesn't suddenly think of him in a platonic way. I'm also eager to find out what sort of deep, dark secrets that he has.

One word should do it: Ugh.
Actually one word's not enough… I feel like ranting about Christian - the psychotic highlander/Unseelie prince/pedo in the making. His obsession with Dani was sick and no, I don't care that he was changing into a wanking Unseelie prince and couldn't control his urges. None of it changed the fact that Christian, an adult, was randy for 14yr old Dani. Was I meant to be impressed that he admitted he fancied her? I was nowhere near impressed by it..just because he's 'hawt' doesn't make it sexy that he was stalking her, undressing her, rubbing up against her and unleashing his rapey powers on her. Imagine for a second, if you will, that Christian was ugly, with disgusting teeth, bad breath, fat as fuck and also hairy as fuck… seriously please just take a minute to imagine that..now do you still think ugly Christian's pedo behaviour is sexy? No it's fucking not, it's sick. Just because he's good looking doesn't excuse the sick thoughts in his fucked up head.
I mentally threw up a little when he was 1. Talking about one day taking Dani's virginity 2. Perving on her in her underwear 3. Undressing her and feeding her his blood 4. Talking about her 'woman-child' curves..Ugh. Christian she's not a fucking women, she's a child — just because she's been through a lot doesn't magically make her a woman!
I didn't like Christian's POV at all — he was either obsessing about a child, being emo about turning Unseelie, bitching about Ryodan or moaning about all the different women he's hurt and killed because he fucked them too hard. Was I meant to think he was tortured or something? Was I meant to swoon over how much of a manslut he was? Was I meant to fangirl over him killing and hurting the girls he fucked? Oh, be still my heart..what a sexy whiny murdering pedo you are Christian!

What the fuckitty fuck?! Ryodan was just as obsessed with Dani as Christian was. I admit I found him entertaining at times but his philosophical lectures about life and shit were boring and the way he was around Dani pissed me off. He blackmailed her, beat her up, manipulated her, battered her face and broke her bones all because she wasn't a good little submissive dog. I'm sorry, there is nothing badass and sexy about a grown man intimidating and bullying a 14 year old girl. If I saw a hot older guy on the street pushing around a 14 year old girl and rubbing up against her and making lewd remarks - Would I be turned on by him? Would I think 'oh what a strong and sexy man - look at him manhandling that 14 year old little girl'? NO I FUCKING WOULDN'T - I would think he was weak and a disgusting pervert picking on a vulnerable young girl like that..I would call the bastard police on him and swear at him whilst watching him get arrested.
Ryodan beating up Dani was NOT sexy — it didn't make him look like an alpha or a badass, it made him look like an insane child beater. For those of you who don't know — men who beat up children aren't sexy or swoon worthy.
I was disgusted by Ryodan's level four sex dungeon, he literally must have fucked millions of women. He would NOT make a good boyfriend for virginal Dani who probably hasn't even kissed anyone before. A Dani/Ryoden pairing would take the manslut/virgin trope to a whole other level of WTFery.

Even though I found her parts boring, I still thought she was a likeable character. It was sad that she wasn't very good at leading the Sidhe Seers, I hate how none of the females apart from Dani were strong and capable.
I felt sorry for her having to resist Cruce's mind rape but I was happy that she managed to by the end. It was really sad when Kat found out that her fiancee, Sean, chose to stay and work at Ryo's sex club instead of be with her — what a dickhead!! Kat was fighting for her relationship with Sean and doing her best to keep Cruce from turning her into a sex slave but Sean, after staying a couple of weeks in Chester's, couldn't resist temptation..ugh. Sean knew Kat all his life, disowned his family for her and loved her yet he didn't even have the decency to take the time to tell her she's dumped because he likes working at Chester's too much because he gets to fuck all the patrons. The bastard. Kat deserves a happy ending, I want her to get her dream of a family and a quite life and move on from that wanker Sean. I wouldn't mind seeing Kat getting with Kasteo - they make sense since Kasteo supposedly doesn't talk and Kat didn't talk when she was a child and also her empathy powers wouldn't work with him so she'd get some peace. I doubt it'll happen — no one ever ends up with who I want them to be with.

Wow, I lost all my respect for Jo in this one. I can't believe how she fell for Ryodan and forgot about Dani. I hated that Dani agreed to be more or less owned by Ryodan so that Jo would be protected and then Jo betrayed her by happily fucking him. What a bitch! Where was her loyalty and love for Dani? She sure forgot about her as soon as she was fucking Ryodan.
It was sad the part when Dani thought Jo was worrying about her when in actual fact Jo didn't give a shit, all she cared about was that Dani didn't obey Ryodan..ugh.
I was disgusted that Jo lost all her self respect and started changing her appearance and attitude for Ryodan - she no longer cared about her sidhe seer sisters, nope, she was 100% loyal to Ryo and his club. I loathed how she started acting like a desperate loser by putting on make up and changing her hair just to keep Ryodan happy..by all means Jo can put an effort in to her appearance but to do it for the guy who's banging her instead for herself was just fucked up.
I hope Jo gets her heart broken, she deserves it.

Surprisingly enough, Lor was pretty awesome, after Dancer he was the most decent male character. He treated Mac like shit but I think he has a soft spot for Dani - he was good to her and seemed to have her back.
However, I don't like that it's been heavily implied that he is/was a rapist - I'm crossing my fingers that it's not actually true and that IDK they're all just teasing him about being a rapist..as you do.

Other thoughts
-I don't like that Kat and Dani go on and on about sex being something special yet for all the male characters sex is just something they do with anyone because they're horny. Even Jo was having sex with Ryodan because she fell for him. So why is it that all the female characters can only have sex if they're more or less in love or if they've been raped yet for the male characters it's just because they enjoy sex? How is that fair? How is that not a double standard? How is that not a hypocritical message?!
-It was clear that Ryo wants Dani for a long term relationship at some point in the near future and that was why he bulldozed his way into her life so he can groom her and cock block any competition.. so that she only has sex with him and remains his sex buddy forever. Some might find that romantic but I don't, she deserves to be free to do what she wants without Ryodan breathing down her neck, stalking her and threatening to kill off any competition. It's hardly sweet or romantic that whilst Dani remains virginal he's fucking loads of other women, one of them being Dani's close friend who he's now dating properly… How's that romantic in any way?! Him having a full on relationship with Jo whilst also having the intention of keeping Dani 'pure' so that's she's ready for him when she's legal..ugh!! Why is it okay for him to have sex but not okay for Dani to hang out with other guys or wear other guys clothes?! What a dick — he genuinely is grooming Dani! He reminds me of one those rich pervy old bastards that bid on virgin girls that have been forced into the sex slavery trade..only he's not paying for Dani, he's shackling her to him and watching her every move so she remains unsullied for his old dirty dick..ugh.
-I have a strong feeling that Dani and Ryo will end up together. If it does happen then I hope it happens when Dani's well in her 20's and she's had a vast amount of sexual experience..that way at least they'll be equals. It's unrealistic for Dani to not only lose her virginity to old manslut Ryo but also for them to live HEA when she's not experienced any other lover. I don't see why Dani has to remain virginal for him until she's of age whilst he's fucking thousands of women. How is that fair? Hopefully I'm completely wrong about Ryo/Dani but I have a feeling I'm not.
-I'm wondering if Barrons ever visited level four whilst he and Mac were in that will they won't they stage.
-I noticed that Ryodan came across as more of a leader than Barrons did in his books. It seemed like Lor, Fade and co were more respectful, deferential and loyal to Ryodan than Barrons. I'm thinking Ryodan's the true leader and he just lets Barrons think he is because he can't be bothered going to war with him. Also his club rules Dublin, Barrons' bookshop is nothing in comparison to that..I mean who the hell even buys books from there now that world's fucked up? I hope there's more light shed on Barrons and Ryodan's relationship and their relationship with their men because I don't believe that Barrons is the leader anymore.
-In the earlier books it was mentioned that Kasteo hadn't talked for 1000yrs yet in this one Ryo mentions that Kasteo told him about seeing a young Dani with the sword..so did Kasteo write a message down or use sign language?? Does he talk or doesn't he? If he doesn't then I honestly don't see the point in him not talking when he communicates everything anyway.
-Dani's use of the words dude and feck got tiresome.
-There were a couple of times the words 'brightest star' was used to describe the love of the Unseelie King's life and it got me thinking that in Mac's books, Barrons referred to his wife as his brightest star..so it seems like Barrons' wife was the love of his life/true love and Mac's just his new love… so yea that's disappointing.
-Why the fuck did Dani sound like an American, actually why did everyone sound like an American? Just because the words feck, bloody and lass were thrown in, didn't make the dialogue seem Scottish or Irish. There were so many American expressions and words used.
Things like:
-Candy, people in the UK say chocolate or sweets.
-High tops — never heard anyone say that, everyone calls them trainers.
-Jell-o, we say jelly.
-Pop tarts, I don't even know what the fuck pop tarts are? Some kind of chocolate toast or something?!
-Baseball bat — we don't even play baseball, a cricket bat would have been better.
-Ass, that's an obvious one — should be arse.
-Flashlights, nope, should be torch/torches.
-We don't say stores we say shops or supermarkets.
-The UK have petrol stations not gas stations.
-Why would Dani say to Ryodan he can teach her ‘You Too Can Be a Sociopath 101’? We don't have classes that we call 101 or 102 or whatever the hell it is..so why would Dani say it?? I've never once heard anybody in England or Ireland use the whole 101 thing when they're joking about someone needing to learn something.

Despite the pedo vibe, I was still mostly entertained. The characters were a mixed bag - Ryodan was interesting most of the time but I was seriously put off by his blatant sexual grooming of Dani, Christian was just as bad, his thoughts about Dani made me sick. I'm crossing all my fingers that Dani doesn't start to fall for either of those violent, controlling, perverted, STD ridden dickheads. Dancer and Dani were cool. Even though there was a lot of fucked up shit going on, I'm still excited for the next book because I'm looking forward to a Mac/Dani showdown.

star END SPOILERS star

So yea, I'm really excited to know what everyone else thinks. excited
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 01, 2012 9:04 pm

Dayum! All I have to say after reading the first 5% is that I'm already annoyed by Dani/Mega. Mad

But Mac annoyed the ever-loving hell out of me in the first Fever book too. Mac grew up and matured hugely....crossing fingers that's the kind of character arc KMM has planned for Dani.
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 7:40 am

Ok I've got it downloaded and ready to start as well!!!!!!! excited

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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 4:59 pm

Wow Ferdy, that's a long post. not worthy I can't wait to read the book so I can go back and see what you thought of it.

I'm not starting until Saturday night. I don't really remember how Dani and Mac left things. I'm thinking they were mad at each other but I don't remember why. no idea
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 8:20 pm


Dani's voice grew on me, the first few chapters weren't easy to read but I think I like her just as much as Mac. Although, I was never annoyed by Mac's voice - I always liked her cluelessness and ditziness.


Yea..Iced bought out a lot of feelings twirling Mad roflmao heart scratch No No
It's likely that quite a few won't agree with a lot I've said but that's why reading posts is fun to see what everyone else thinks. excited

star Shadowfever star
Mac was mad at Dani and Dani was upset about everything in reagrds to Alina and Mac finding out.. Mac pretty much forgave Dani at the end because she knew she was just a kid and was manipulated by Rowena but she didn't see Dani again, so Dani doesn't know that Mac's not really mad at her anymore.


Have fun..there's a lot to enjoy in Iced but there's also a lot of cringey moments (well there was for me, anyway). twirling
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 12:47 pm

I have started!! I saw Dopple had liked your review on goodreads Ferdy and I have to say I read it all. I don't care about being spoiled so I read the stars. I am 9% in and honestly I think Dani is to cocky and needs to be brought down a few notches. Now, I have never liked her. I didn't like her in Mac's books and I don't know if that will even change in her books.

star ICED star

It has to be me but I hate when she talks to herself about how awesome she is. Rolling Eyes There's no one like her, she is the best. Blah Blah Blah!

I know I am not really that far into it but I think I am just disappointed in the books being from Dani's POV when I don't like her. She's 14 and knowing that the guys are looking to her as a piece of ass is creeping me right out.

I'm Sorry, I should probably keep my mouth shut till I get further in but well, I'm not really good at keeping my mouth shut. smile
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 6:19 pm

No starbrites I'm right there with you hon. Dani is already grinding on my nerves. BAD
yap-yap I'm so badass. yap-yap I can freeze frame yap-yap
Oh and the whole TP issue. Rolling Eyes
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 9:25 pm

star Iced star

@Starbites, I don't care about being spoiled either - I love heart spoilers - if anything they make the book better when I get around to reading them. excited

I found Dani annoying in the Fever books and I was annoyed by her at the beginning of Iced but by the end I loved her.. and what I loved about her was the very thing you hate about her.. I adored her arrogance and how up herself she was. I'm sick of heroines who are always unsure and insecure about themselves and think they're not good enough. I found Dani refreshing. twirling

I've noticed that if a heroine is very cocky she's generally not liked and it makes her seem unattractive but if a hero is cocky and has a big head and loves himself then most readers think that makes them even more attractive.. The heroes always tend to get away with all sorts of behaviour/attitude like arrogance, abuse, sleeping around but heroines who think they're the best or have multiple love interests are hated - it's always annoyed me.
IDK I just liked that Dani was as arrogant as Ryoden/Barrons and most other love interests.

I hated how every guy was all over her though - it was disgusting!!

@G-P, Lol I think I'm in the minoroty because the whole TP thing actually made me laugh.no idea
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 1:08 am

I can't get the kindle version otherwise I would have joined in group read. Never mind cussing happens.
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2012 6:13 pm

star ICED star

Is she fucking kidding me with this shit??? Sorry about the cuss words but after pushing myself today to finish this book because I just wanted to be done with it I have to say once again are you kidding me?? WTF!

I remember when I was so excited because KMM was going to write another book in the fever world. Dani,Christian and Ryodan. You would think we might even get a tiny bit of Ryo's POV. Well, guess that was a stupid thing to think. I wondered if she would try to make one of those guys Dani's love interest but I thought no she couldn't be that stupid the girls only 14 and no she didn't give her a love interest she just had older men wanting her and thinking about her in not very good ways. There was a part in the book that made me so pissed of that I wanted to scream and throw my kindle threw the window. Dani is being hit by the princes and she starts spouting out things like wants to get fucked doggy style and ....... REALLY??? Once again, are you kidding me with this shit??? SHE'S 14 14 14 14

We need a smilie where the smilie is pulling hair from there head cause that is pretty much how I felt about this whole book.

Ok, Now that I got that out of my system I will say this Dancer is the SHIT! He was smarter,nicer and braver then anyone of the "superhero's" in this book. He's only 17 and cares about Dani for friendship and dosen't WANT anything in return and I can see in the long run those 2 becoming something special because he's not a sick fuck. Well, not that we know of anyway.

And....... If I have to hear the word Mega or Superhero again it will be to soon. smile Just saying..

By the way, did I mention how disappointed I am with this book? What ah bummer.
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2012 6:28 pm

roflmao starbrites
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2012 6:28 pm

Starbrites you have summed up most of what I have been hearing on Goodreads right there. Don't feel at all bad I couldn't get this book now.
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2012 6:43 pm

This is why I love you, Starbrites! wine

I just can't enjoy Iced either, so I'm calling abort. If the next book in the Fever World series gets rave reviews, maybe I'll revisit it. But damn, 14?!? I feel like this is a book without an audience - it's too raunchy for YA, but the tone (Dani's voice) leans towards the less mature end of the YA spectrum.

Is it possible KMM started this book as YA, and then switched gears because her Fever fans wanted another adult story?
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2012 6:57 pm

Good question. I don't know. It's possiable but I just don't think she thought people would have an issue with it because of how much we all loved Mac & Barrons. It was pretty creepy and incase I haven't said it before 14 people. smile

star ICED star

Ryo admits to have been watching her sense she's been 9. REALLY??? His men have wanted to kill her sense day 1 but no he's been watching her. What is he waiting for her to grow up so he can screw her like Christian wants to do??? *GAG*
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2012 7:59 pm

EWWWWW Nine really? That is so so wrong.
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 11, 2012 1:26 pm

I found this today when I was goofin around. Kinda interesting..

Tidbits from the first Q&A with KMM about ICED: (There may be spoilers)

Couldn't answer why Barrons hates Fae so much without giving away info on future stories

All but one chapter headings are song titles/lyrics. Wouldn't say which smile

She knows exactly what is coming in the next 5 books.

She didnt struggled with age of Dani. If can be an assassin, she can have sex (but didn't say when will). If she started Dani at 17, she would be beyond some of the first moments of sexual awakening. REALLY????

Will get more of the Eight in each book but doesn't know beyond that.......

Q&A tidbits continued....

There may be more Barron's POV. Just depends on when Barrons talks to her. I hope so!

When Mac grieved, KMM's grieving went on and on....and she couldn't wait for Mac to stop and not pull a "twilight" endless grieving.

Loves DUNE and where one of her favorite quotes come from.

Who Dani's father is "utterly irrelevant" and it's NOT Ryo. LOL! I hadn't thought of that but then again if it was then he would truly be one sick fuck.

Mind boggling that after what is on TV these days, people have problem with Dani's age. Again, REALLY???

Dani will be a role model but she will push comfort zones.

There will be 10 books in Fever series. Last 2 are Mac and Barrons.


Hasn't heard anything about the movie.

Doesn't know if Keltars will be in future books.

We might learn more about Level 4.

HFK will have more. What is that?

Not done with the king and concubine

Christian is a significant character

Asked when next book is coming. She said working on next book but no timeline yet. Will be posted on her FB.

Barrons would get the gold medal in sex stamina. LOL!!! HELL YA!

Q&A .......

Marc's story was about finding strength. Dani will be about finding love. Hopefully with someone her own age or close to it. Kat and her storyline with her soulmate will be the counterpoint to Dani's story. I liked Kat in Iced and that's a big deal after reading that crap.

She lets the character and emotion drive the story.

May never meet all of the NINE but will meet more.

Won't answer if will ever know more about sidhe seers.

Doesn't know why drawn to Celtic mythology but just was. Son of the Morning is a stellar book.

Christians character is a transformation. There is no point in going bad unless you go BAD.

Q&A with KMM continued.....

Can't say if there will only be only 10 Fever books because there are so many great characters but will know when it's time to end.

Knew from first grade that would be a writer. If not, probably a "criminal". LOL!!!

Never say never to another graphic novel but was labor intensive.

Yes, some characters will die.

Will go to the UK in future.

Would love to hear from fans. She is inspired by her feedback.

END!! smile

Can't we just have Barrons, is that to much to ask? And if Christian wasn't all crazy with his Dani love I would love to see more of him but the Dani love is just gross.
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Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitimeMon Nov 12, 2012 9:16 am

She thinks it's 'mind-boggling' because of othet stuff on TV? That's absurd reasoning. If you pay attention to NON-fiction news on TV and the internet, it's not surprising at all that readers would be disgusted.

I dropped ICED like a hot brick.

I'm picking up Chrisropher Buecheler's Children of the Sun instead. I'd rather read about a former heroin junkie hooker!
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PostSubject: Re: Karen Marie Moning - Fever World    Karen Marie Moning - Fever World  Icon_minitime

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